Aeroespacial y Defensa

University thesis on social innovation (app creation): I’d like to create an app to establish a peer to peer relationship between students and professors to study for exams

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About this project

EN: Hi, I’m Ginevra, an italian student. I’m from Bologna, but now I’m studying to the foreign university in Perugia.

I thought to create an app to help students with learning problems to study for their exams throught a continuos learning with an app.

When we are on queue in post office, bank, waiting for professors in university too, we read useless stuff on web, and we should use that time to learn something for our university exams.

So, I ask help to create this app and write my final thesis on this topic :)Thank you for your partecipation

Scroll down to read the Faq


ES: Hola, me llamo Ginevra y soy una estudiante italiana. Nací en Bolonia pero ahora estudio en la universidad de Perugia.

He decidido crear una app para ayudar a los estudiantes con problemas de aprendizaje en la preparación de sus exámenes, mediante un sistema continuo de aprendizaje diario.

Cuando esperamos en la cola del banco, en la oficina de correos, o aguardamos a los profesores en la universidad, habitualmente consultamos temas intranscendentes en internet cuando podríamos invertir ese tiempo en la preparación de nuestrso exámenes de una manera útil y sencilla.

Solicito su ayuda económica para desarrollar esta app y realizar mi tesis sobre esta experiencia. Muchas gracias por su colaboración.

Aquì abajo encontraràs algunas Faq


ITA: Ciao, mi chiamo Ginevra e sono una studentessa italiana. Originaria di Bologna, mi sono trasferita a Perugia per la magistrale.

Sto cercando di creare un’app per aiutare studenti con problemi d’apprendimento ad assimilare i concetti per l’esame tramite un apprendimento continuo attraverso la gamification, nell’ambito dell’innovazione sociale.

Spesso ci troviamo ad aspettare il nostro turno in banca, alle poste o anche all’università stessa. In questi momenti cominciamo a leggere cose veramente inutili in giro per internet, quando potremmo utilizzare quel tempo per apprendere cose utili ai fini dell’esame.

Quello che chiedo è un aiuto per realizzare questa app e poter scrivere la mia tesi a riguardo. Grazie :)

Poco più giù troverai alcune Faq :)


CAT: Hola, em dic Ginevra i sóc una estudiant italiana. Vaig néixer a Bolonya però ara estudi a la universitat per estrangers a Perugia.

He decidit crear una app per ajudar als estudiants que porten problemes d’aprenentatge a estudiar a través d’un aprenentatge continu diari.

Quan esperem a la cua del banc, al correu, o també esperem els professors a la uni, vam començar a llegir coses inútils a internet quan podríem utilitzar aquest temps per estudiar per als nostres exàmens.

Doncs el que demano és ajuda per realitzar el meu app i escriure la meva tesi per graduar-me sobre aquest experiència.


Risks and challenges

Well, of course I hope this project won’t have any obstacles, but like everything it has some risks. I need time to collect data and know if it’s working, I need to write my thesis on and that have to be accepted by my professor. I could be on late because of my exams. But I hope finish this project in two years :)


EN: Hi, I’m Ginevra, an italian student. I’m from Bologna, but now I’m studying to the foreign university in Perugia. I thought to create an app to help students with learning problems to study for their exams throught a continuos learning with an app.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:

Kickstarter, Reward, English, European Union, Computers and Software, Mobile and Social Apps, Industry verticals, Regions, Italy, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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